Over 45 Years of offering beautiful Owner Financed North Florida Acreage
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Ford Lane Highlands
Located in Lake City, Florida

Only 5 miles away

Only 5 miles away

Only 5 miles away

Only 5 miles away
Ford Lane Highlands is located in Lake City, Florida. Lake City is located at the crossroads of Interstate 75 and 10. This makes for an easy commute to Gainesville, Jacksonville, or Valdosta. At Ford Lane Highlands you would be living in the lowest wind zone rating area in Florida reducing your risk from hurricanes, plus home construction cost and insurance costs. Lake City offers great climate year round and has many amenities while maintaining its small, hometown feel.
Lake City offers many different events throughout the year to bring the community together from the Gateway City Craft Beer & Wine Festival, the Annual Easter Egg-stravaganza, 4th of July Celebration, Trunk or Treat, Olustee Battle Festival & Re-Enactment, Florida Gateway Pro Rodeo, Columbia County Fair, and much more.
In Lake City you will find 2 hospitals: Lake City Medical Center, and a VA Medical Center. Many different shopping opportunities at the Lake City Mall, Super Wal-Mart, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Publix, Winn Dixie, Harvey’s and much more.
Florida Gateway College calls Lake City home or you can choose to travel 45 minutes south to Gainesville where you will find the University of Florida and Santa Fe College.
The Ichetucknee Springs State Park is located 5 miles south of Ford Lane Highlands. The pristine waters of the Ichetucknee River is the perfect outing, whether you’re looking for a vigorous adventure or a relaxing day on the water. It is well-known for its warm weather tubing, the 2,669-acre Ichetucknee Springs State Park is also a wildlife haven. The main draw is the park’s eight major crystalline springs that join together to create the six-mile Ichetucknee River.
Ford Lane Highlands - Estate 5 is located along a county maintained dirt road. The nearest paved road is less than a quarter of a mile away. Each parcel has plenty of cleared space with scattered trees throughout the landscape. Electricity is available to the front of each lot at no cost to the buyer. There is no requirement or timetable to build. However when you decide to build it must be 750 square feet or larger. Modular homes and mobile homes are allowed providing they meet the minimum square footage and are 7 years of age or newer when initially placed on the land. Farm animals are permitted with the exception of pigs.
Automatic, Non-Qualifying Owner Financing Available with NO Prepayment Penalties:
Purchase Price of $139,995. Annual Percentage Rate 9.50%. Amortization based on 300 payments. You can pre pay all or part any time without penalty. At the listed amount down and assuming the loan runs the full term as opposed to a shorter pay off, then the finance charge is $205,053.91, total payment amount is $331,053.81 total purchase price is $345,048.81. There is no qualifying required for the loan.